Naxxramas is a floating necropolis, home to a host of undead bosses ready to challenge worthy opponents eager to test their card-slinging mettle. Alternatively, players can still obtain copies of the cards through completing specific encounters within the adventure, originally the only way of obtaining these cards: Naxxramas will open its gates one wing at a time, with a new wing opening each week. The adventure features a total of 30 new cards, gained through completing boss battles and class challenges within the adventure. (Costs 2 Mana) - Deal 2 damage to the left-most enemy minion. to buy any of the wings.In each wing, you will fight 2 to 4 unique opponents (or bosses), who use normal

A master of poisons, she has a keen understanding of what makes mortals suffer. After the Arachnid Quarter, the next four wings can be purchased for 700 gold per wing or $6.99 USD per wing. Normally highly reclusive and suspicious of outsiders, living nerubians fought valiantly against the undead Scourge, but were overwhelmed by their numbers. For example, upon sending Anub’Rekhan skittering back to whatever dark and dusty corner he crawled out of, you get a pair of his Haunted Creeper cards. 15 Bosses - Each presents a new challenge and their defeat unlocks a corresponding card. Curse of Naxxramas features both normal and heroic modes, and besting all of the bosses on the heroic setting awards players with a unique card back. Curse of Naxxramas is the first installment of Blizzard’s Hearthstone Adventure Mode! The final wing requires all previous wings to be defeated before unlocking,Kel'Thuzad, the final boss, "hosts" the adventure, addressing the player as he or she progresses through the adventure, starting with the unlocking of the very first wing. The following cards can be added to your collection through completing the adventureI have a feeling he has to be on the field already.Did someone save cheat abilities? You just have to play hunter properly and minimize your mistakes.

At the pinnacle of Naxxramas awaits Kel’Thuzad himself, who is protected by the ancient skeletal frost wyrm Sapphiron. Back at PAX East Blizzard announced plans for a vague “single player campaign" for Hearthstone called Curse of Naxxramas.

The wings of Naxxramas will open in the following order: Arachnid Quarter, Plague Quarter, Military Quarter, Construct Quarter, and Frostwyrm Lair. of Naxxramas with a predefined deck. No doggie biscuit can satisfy Gluth’s ravenous hunger. which you can unlock 30 new cards and a unique card back for your collection. Check out the spoiler below to see all the Boss art!Bosses wouldn't be awesome if they didn't have some of their own ability cards. Once you’ve defeated all of the bosses within any given wing for the first time, you’ll unlock the Heroic mode of that wing. New card backs have been added to the game for August 2014 Ranked Participation (Icecrown), Heroic Naxxramas, July 2014 Ranked Participating (Naxxramas), and TeSPA. At the end of each turn, summon all friendly minions that died this turn.

3. Like many of the blue dragonflight, Sapphiron had immense magical power, which was only magnified by the fact that the Lich King personally resurrected him to serve the Scourge. It is rumored that Gluth can easily devour an army of undead on a daily basis, which Gluth uses to knit his own decaying flesh back together. cards, but have overpowered Hero powers. At the start of your turn, restore this minion to full Health. Grobbulus lurks deeper in the Construct Quarter, carrying the same ooze that flows through Naxxramas within its hulking form. Defeating all bosses in Heroic mode earns the player a new Class Challenges use predetermined decks, which are not revealed in full to the player at any point. If you do not, then it is no longer possible The entire wilderness surrounding Lordaeron is now referred to as “the Plaguelands”—thanks in no small part to Heigan’s handiwork. Pffft...I have a feeling the nerf was already sitting on a notepad in some dev's office, they just figured it'd be an idea to wait and see.Hunters can easily crush miracle rogue, zoo, and especially handlock that is why you are being downvoted. The Construct Quarter houses various nightmarish abominations stitched together from the once-living. with a new legendary card and unlocks the Heroic mode of the wing where the This synergy often extends to the Hero Powers and cards used by the Challenge's boss. Some of the great ones:Below you will find a list of the bosses in the Curse of Naxxramas alongside their normal and heroic hero powers. Destroy all minions and summon 2/2 Treants to replace them. 2 copies of a new card. Finishing all of the wings in

Curse of Naxxramas is a single player campaign for Hearthstone, through which you can unlock 30 new cards and a unique card back for your collection. In a twisted mockery of the plant kingdom’s natural ability to regenerate, Loatheb can summon deadly spores that quickly spread a sickening miasma that turns magical healing arts against those who wield them. challenge to complete and it consists in playing against a predefined boss Heroic mode bosses are significantly more difficult than their normal versions, and they will prove to be a challenge for even the most veteran Hearthstone players.