Tallyho is the Magician of Talents, who creates and assigns magical abilities to newly conceived babies. 1934). After an accident with Jordan The Barbarian, Stanley was sent far away. He is the father of the triplet Sorceresses, Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm. He is able to adapt magical inanimate items. The Curse fiends, called by some the Curse Friends, are ruled by a Crone. X(A/N)th first appears in the second book, The Source of Magic, and is the star of the 20th Xanth book, Yon Ill Wind (as Nimby, a horrendously ugly donkey-headed dragon), and the 23rd, Xone of Contention. Those that display such talents are normally thrown out of society however. Shipped with USPS First Class. Kings in Xanth. For a bored, young princess of Xanth, there's nothing more exciting than a Quest. So, now the moons of Ida form a ring where most characters start from Xanth and now can end on Xanth. The Triplet Sorceresses are the children of Ivy and Grey. While Mela -- who would gladly relinquish her oft-viewed undies for a new husband -- joins the Adult Conspiracy . There are also Flying Goblins, though these do not happen nearly as often as many of the other crossbreeds. And while there, she'll learn the True History of Xanth (simplified) and help rescue a blushing Rose from the demon X(A/N) . In Heaven Cent it is implied that Humfrey's magical talent may be no more than that of locating other magic that may be of use to him. Bink's magic does not want to be known because, if it were, those of non-magical means would injure Bink and his family, with the magic being indirectly responsible. Jenny, who is based on the elves of the ElfQuest series by Wendy and Richard Pini, comes from the world of Two Moons. She is a protagonist in A Spell for Chameleon and Night Mare. He lives in the Good Magician's Castle, the former Castle Zombie. In The Dastard, it is discovered that she can reuse talents she's used before, after a long time has passed but the Dastard "unhappens" this discovery. The Magician of Transformation, King Trent used to be referred to as the Evil Magician for attempting to take over the throne prior to A Spell for Chameleon. She was a central figure in Geis of the Gargoyle and Stork Naked. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In his later years, Aeolus fell into senility, a fact he never acknowledged. Dolph is the Magician of Metamorphosis. Despite his title, he created problems. After waiting two weeks, Dor gathers his gang and goes on a quest to help rescue Trent. 1934). However, the former King Trent does not return when he had planned. On Ptero, a moon of Ida, when Grey is older, he is known as the royal consort because his wife, Ivy, is a future King of Xanth. Ida is the twin sister of Princess Ivy, although this may have been the result of her own talent. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He is able to make an illusion real or make reality an illusion, but he cannot repeat such a transformation: that is, he cannot reverse the "real-ness" of something he has already reversed. Condition is "Used". But now the Good King Trent was leaving on a trade mission to non-magical Mundania, home of such weird beasts as horses and bears, so Dor had to take over as King for a … In year 206, King Merlin marries Sorceress Tapis. Though many talents are limited in scope (called the "spot-on-a-wall" variety), the series focuses mainly on individuals with "Magician" caliber abilities (one of the cr… Four years into his reign, Aeolus made an edict that anyone born without a magic talent would be exiled from Xanth. He unsuccessfully challenged for the monarchy and was exiled for a time, and returned to Xanth with a promise of allegiance. The Magicians of Xanth are a subset of fictional characters from the Xanth series of fantasy genre novels by Piers Anthony (b. The Magicians of Xanth are a subset of fictional characters from the Xanth series of fantasy genre novels by Piers Anthony (b. More recently, this has been changed, but female rulers are still referred to as Kings, and the King's spouse is still referred to as the Queen, even if this person is male. Aeolus claims he does not need his soul day to day, and that he feigns senility in order to avoid mundane tasks, but Grey realises that Aeolus' unconscionable behaviour is the result of his lack of soul. King Trent and Queen Iris retire, leaving the throne to their new son-in-law, King Dor.