Scientists estimate he was about 100 years old.


This prompted researchers at the Darwin Station to offer a $10,000 reward for a suitable mate.Until January 2011, George was penned with two females of the species In July 2008, George mated with one of his female companions. By the end of the 19th century, most of the Pinta Island tortoises had been wiped out due to hunting. National Geographic HeadquartersNational Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. 8 Tracks. George was first seen on the island of Pinta on November 1, 1971, by Hungarian malacologist József Vágvölgyi. George serves as an important symbol for conservation efforts in the Galápagos Islands and throughout the world.

For the snail, see Lonesome George at the Charles Darwin Research Station, photograph taken in December 2006 213 Followers. With Fred MacMurray, William Frawley, Tim Considine, Don Grady. Lonesome George is a 5ft long, 200lb tortoise aged between 60 and 200. Also called alien, exotic, or non-native species.process by which organisms that are better -adapted to their environments produce more offspring to transmit their genetic turtle, usually with a tall, rounded shell.The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit.


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Following the death of the celebrity tortoise in June 2012, his remains were sent to New York to be preserved by expert taxidermists. In 1971 he was discovered on the remote Galapagos island of Pinta, from which tortoises had supposedly been exterminated by greedy whalers and seal hunters.

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Meet Lonesome George, the Face of Extinction. With Fred MacMurray, William Frawley, Tim Considine, Don Grady. George served as a potent symbol for conservation efforts in the Galápagos Islands and throughout the world.. References ↑ Gardner, Simon (6 February 2001).

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