They rent it, but Harper is forced to use a training wand that can only open things. Mason goes to save Alex after he finds out that she had left for the Bermuda Triangle. Alex takes the Moral Compass and tries to turn it to good but Justin stops her and then Rosie used her good angel side and they fly up and when they land, Justin turns the compass to good.

The robot attacks Justin and Zeke after they find him scanning the spell book.

Justin's date with the hot new older girl is threatened by a zit that Alex compounds by making it come to life.

Alex kisses him on the cheek, and Mason suggests they just be friends. Later that night, Lucy starts crying and explains that her boyfriend Donny had disappeared sixty years prior in a plane accident. Alex Russo is a wizard in training along with her older brother Justin, and younger brother Max. Max joins a sophisticated wizard society. The zombie bites Mr. Laritate and turns him into a zombie. When Alex is caught using magic to clean her room she is forced to go to wizard school with Justin. Wanting to thank Harper, Alex uses Mr. Laritate's lucky life-saving After she finds out that she will lose her powers, Alex can no longer date Mason, so they decide to try being best friends instead. Alex Russo is a wizard in training along with her older brother Justin, and younger brother Max. Maxine will not tell their parents as long as Alex brings her back an Ozzy Osbourne stone. Marvel Co-Stars and Hollywood Pay Tribute to Chadwick Boseman Justin realizes that when Jerry's father lost the restaurant, he moved out of the building and since their family no longer lived in the building, the lair disappeared in present day. She invites him and his parents over to convince hers, but learns he has a secret. Alex invites Mason to go with them but he says he cannot. The truth soon uncovered – the class had actually passed, but the historian who checked the exams was revealed to be evil, and had lied about the exam scores. During the credits, it is revealed that Max had kept his favorite memories all along. Mason gets jealous. TV Schedule.

Alex suggests an Angel Club in Los Angeles, but Rosie says that only Angels are allowed.

Outside their door, Dexter turns into Gorog when no one is looking. Unfortunately, it only makes Maxine cuter, which makes her furious. Alex, Justin and Max then save the world from being destroyed by an asteroid. overall No. Later, Alex and Harper move into an apartment building with a secret 13th floor for wizards and other creatures in the wizard world. Justin realizes only mortals can go through it. Meanwhile Jerry and Max find a way to play football in the house which doesn't turn out well. In the end, Zelzar reveals that while he cannot take away Alex's fortune, he can give it to the next person. Jerry's father agrees not to sell the shop, and the Russos return to present day. Alex and Mason leave together, with the sculpture. Gorog makes the wizard army to dig a hole to the atmosphere to the wizard world, so they can take over it.

Max accepts. However, she is shocked to learn that, as a mortal, she will no longer be able to date Mason (Gregg Sulkin).
The robot is lost in transit, but Dexter (Gorog in disguise) makes an evil robot to spy on Justin to pass information to Gorog.

Sympathizing, Alex gets Rosie to rejoin the class and puts a copycat spell on her so that Rosie can mimic Alex's move and pass the class. Alex, Justin and Max use their three time-outs to go and rescue their friends. Mr. Laritate forgives Alex after seeing how the crash influenced her, and Alex realizes that she will be okay without magic.