Candida est un genre de levures (un type de champignon) qui comprend un grand nombre d'espèces différentes, dont la plupart vivent dans des hôtes d'origine animale, y compris les humains. La plupart sont essentiellement inoffensif, mais certaines espèces peuvent causer la candidose, ou une infection à Candida. Candida spp.. Candida albicans besiedelt häufig die Schleimhaut des Menschen.

Der Nachweis von C. albicans aus der Mundhöhle, Stuhl oder ähnlichem ist nicht gleichzusetzen mit dem Nachweis einer Infektion.. Der kulturelle und serologische Nachweis einer Candida-Mykose ist in den meisten Laboratorien fest etabliert.Eine Behandlung einer Infektion ist erfolgversprechend. Der Hefepilz liebt Zucker Candida krusei sont responsables de entre une et trois pour cent des infections candidose, … Candida krusei has been recognized as a potentially multidrug-resistant (MDR) fungal pathogen, due to its intrinsic fluconazole resistance combined with reports of decreased susceptibility to both flucytosine and amphotericin B (1, 2, 3, 6, 20, 22, 23, 26, 37, 39, 47, 61). The other Candida species form convex colonies but Candida krusei develops on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar. Auch der Cryptococcus neoformans, der Blastoschizomyces capitatus, der Rhodotorula rubra, der Hansenula anomala und der Trichosporon beigelii Hefepilz können schwerwiegende Infektionen hervorrufen. Therefore, the grain like appearance along with its matte surface helps in the easy identification of this species. It forms extensive colonies which has whitish-yellow media with roughness. Summary Early reports of Candida krusei in man describe the organism as a transient, infrequent isolate of minor clinical significance inhabiting the mucosal surfaces. 1 In the United States, candidemia is one of the most common causes of bloodstream infections in hospitalized patients, 3 –4 and it often results in long hospital stays and death. Candida krusei is well known as a fungal pathogen for patients with hematologic malignancies and for transplant recipients. Der Hefepilz hat leichtes Spiel . Using the ARTEMIS Antifungal Surveillance Program database, we describe geographic and temporal trends in the isolation of C. krusei from clinical specimens and the in vitro susceptibilities of 3,448 isolates to voriconazole as determined by CLSI … This species when looked under the microscope appears like long grain rice. A Candida bloodstream infection, also called candidemia, is the most common form of invasive candidiasis. Daneben existieren noch weitere schädliche Hefepilze, etwa der Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei, Candida famata und Candida glabrata.