In this video I want to show some alternative ways of how to increase your income in the cafe. My Café: Recipes and Stories has different ways of earning coins and diamonds. Nouvelle mise à jour pour my café avec une histoire de squelette, le le fils de Petrovic arrive dans le café,distributeur de sirop d'érable et des recettes à base de sirop d'érable. Sur cette page je mettrais toutes les recettes In the above video you can see the full list of My Cafe recipes. Recettes My Café.

If you are looking for more recipes, you should click the button below. Adrenalino with Guarana. Voici les différents recette débloquer dans My café et la nouvelle machine un milk-shake ajouter et mon niveau 30. And best of all, the My Cafe Cheat tool is completely free to use. You can stock up on as many diamonds and gold coins as you want, and make sure that you never find yourself in a situation where you run out! The new My Cafe Cheats we developed allow you to obtain more diamonds and gold in My Cafe: recipes and stories than you know what to do with.

Recipe from My Cafe and JS Barista Training Center - Duration: 4:24. Wikia My Cafe : Recipes & Stories est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Jeux vidéo. Your coffee shop adventure begins as you set off to a quiet town and open a classy cafe with your friend Ann! Muffin Le thé est produit à partir de la machine à thé. 889 likes.

In this playlist you will find a lot more recipes, also those that appear only at a specific time, such as Christmas. Coffee Recipe from My Cafe and JS Barista Training Center My Café: Recipes & Stories. My Cafe My Cafe: Recipes & Stories v2020.6 Mod apk for Android.. My Cafe is an addictive restaurant simulation Game where you set off to help your friend Ann open a classy cafe and serve her guests delicious drinks and baked goods..