Macro wine trends have been stable albeit lackluster, as can be seen in the chart below where consumption has appeared to plateau. Wine grapes mostly grow between the 30th and the 50th degree of latitude, in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Production and stock figures. You can connect with us through one of our BKWine sites, …

Global table grape production is of 27.3 mt. The consumption of alcohol in each country varies greatly and is affected by the laws, culture, and other characteristics of each country. This list of wine-producing regions catalogues significant growing regions where vineyards are planted. Wine prices Global dried grape production is of 1.3 mt. The annual global average alcohol consumption is 6.4 liters per person older than 15 (in 2016). Beer and wine are two of the most commonly consumed alcoholic beverages around the world.

• World wine production (excluding juice and must) is estimated at 292 mhl. found each country’s beer, wine, and spirits consumption per capita and converted the numbers to the pure alcohol consumption of each of these drinks. Looking forward, however, growth is expected to pick up. Wine Consumption in Europe Generally, Europeans spend the most on wine each year with many European countries spending between £50 and £400 . Beer refers to malt beer, wine refers to grape wine, spirits refers to all distilled beverages such as vodka and similar products, and the column "other" refers to all other alcoholic beverages, such as rice wine, sake, mead, cider, kvass, and African beers (kumi kumi, kwete, banana beer, millet beer, umqombothi etc.). Worldwide Production & Consumption Rates of Beer and Wine. Macro Wine Industry Growth Trends. Market data. Oh yes, we also have one of the world’s biggest wine photography collections at BKWine Photography. World wine consumption is estimated at 246 mhl. Grapes will sometimes grow beyond this range, thus minor amounts of wine are made in some rather unexpected places. The Swiss are the biggest spenders not only in Europe, but in the world with an annual budget of more than £500 per person . • The world's winegrowing area represents 7.4 kha • Global grape production reaches 78 mt. beer, wine, spirits), this is reported in liters of pure alcohol per year. To make the 6.4 liter average more understandable we can express it in bottles of wine. In 2017 in the United States alone, an estimated 65 billion 12 oz. To account for the differences in alcohol content of different alcoholic drinks (e.g. By 2022, volume sold is expected to rise to 281 million cases, worth $32.9 billion, for a CAGR of approximately 3%. Alcohol consumption across the world today. The aim of the EU wine market observatory is to provide the EU wine sector with more transparency by means of disseminating market data and short-term analysis in a timely manner. beers were consumed, along with over 4 billion bottles of wine.